education and training: Best Practice for Indonesia
Swisscontact organised a one-week tour around the Swiss vocational training landscape for a delegation of 22 people from Indonesia. The Indonesians visit companies and vocational schools in the regions of Baden, Winterthur, Biel and Bern. The group consists of Polytechnika employees in Indonesia and representatives of the Ministry of Industry and Finance.
The State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO) is a key partner for Indonesia in the further development of dual vocational education and training, in particular for universities of applied sciences. On behalf of SECO, Swisscontact is implementing a project aimed at bringing about the breakthrough of various educational reforms in Indonesia. One of these is to improve relations between the education system and local industry to enable the schools to better adapt the teaching content to the needs of the private sector, increase the employability of graduates and strengthen the competitiveness of Indonesian companies.
The delegation visited among others the ABB Technical School in Baden. The Indonesians were particularly interested in practical learning and the way the school cultivates its contacts with the industry. “Also because of the project-related work in cooperation with the industry, the ABB Technical School is an exemplary institution which for me serves as a model for Indonesian polytechnics,” said Yusdianto, Deputy Director of the Morowali Polytechnic after the visit.